I use Google Meet for telehealth sessions. Google Meet is HIPAA compliant, secure, and encrypted.


Before your session:

Test your computer or device to make sure it will work:

  1. Open a new browser or tab and go to Meet.Google.com

  2. In the upper right, look for the gear icon – Click it to open.

  3. You will be able to “allow” access to your camera and microphone and test to see if they work. If your computer doesn’t have a camera, find another device that does, even if it is a phone or tablet, and try again.

  4. Make sure you are logged in to the email address you sent me as I can only join the session with that email address.

Using a Smartphone:

  1. If possible, be connected to wifi. Sessions will consume some of your data if you’re not using wifi- take this into consideration when choosing your location.

  2. It’s not required to download anything. You just need to access your email or calendar with the link that was sent to you and open it in your browser.

    iPhones and iPads: Download the Meet app for Apple mobile devices. Login with a Google account and make sure I have that email address.

    Android and other devices: Download the Meet app for Android mobile devices.​ Login with a Google account and make sure I have that email address.

How to Join a Session:

  1. Invitation Email – you will receive an email invitation from me to join a Google Meeting. If you do not receive an email, contact me at 531-218-9741 or danielle@insightfulconnect.com.

  2. Make sure the email came to the Google account you will be using for the session.

  3. In the email, below the calendar details (time, date, title) look for “Joining info – Join Hangouts Meet” Below that there will be a link starting with meet.google.com/ That link will take you to your meeting session (it will open as a new tab in your browser).

  4. If you are logged into Google it will also be added to your Google Calendar after you accept the invitation, so you can join the Google Hangout Meeting meeting by clicking on “Join Google Hangout” from the calendar as well.


  1. If you can’t join the session:

    • If it says “Request Access” – you can click the “Ask to Join” green button. It will state “You’ll join the call when someone lets you in.” If you have to Ask to Join, it likely means there’s an issue with the account you’re logged into.

    • Logged into a different account. Make sure you’re logged in to the email you gave me.

    • If you are not logged into Google it will say “Sign In” in the upper right corner. If you don’t have a Gmail account, you can create one. You don’t need to create a Gmail account. You can create a Google account using your non-Gmail account. To do that click Sign in => Create Account => then look for “Use my current email address instead”.

    • Log out and in again.

  2. Other Troubleshooting